The image remains in your computer.
It is not uploaded on a server or stored anywhere.

    txt align left text align right

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    Add Text to Image and Save the Image

    Quickly and easily add text to image and save the image. This online tool supports different image type, big or small. All your photos remain private, since these photos are never uploaded on a server or stored anywhere. This easy to use tool provides a range of free fonts that you can choose.

    How to add text to image online?

    Here's what you have to do.

    1) First, select an image or drag the image in the box. You can drag an image or photo from your computer or from a webpage. For example, click this page, scroll down the page, you will see a photo. Simply drag the photo and drop it in the above box.

    2) Enter some text in the textbox. The text that you will enter will be placed over the image.

    3) The text that you see over the image is draggable. So, drag and drop the text anywhere over the image.

    Note: Clicking the text will popup a toolbox, which has a range of free fonts that you can choose for the text. You can increase or decrease the size of the font with the help of a slider.

    The toolbox also has a color palette where you can choose a color for the text.

    color palette

    4) Finally, click "Save the Image" button.