

How to get IDs of DIV element inside a DIV using JavaScript

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You can use the children property of getElementById() method in JavaScript to get or extract unique ids of all the DIV elements inside a DIV element. The name of the property itself says it all. I am sharing a simple example here, which shows how to get the IDs of every child DIV element using the children property.

Using children Property to get all Child DIV IDs

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Get all child DIV ids inside a DIV using JavaScript</title>
    <p>Using children property in JavaScript to get all the child DIV IDs!</p>

    <!--The parent DIV-->
    <div id="birds" style="border:solid 1px #CCCC;padding:10px;">
        <!--The child DIVs-->
        <div id='be'>Bald Eagle</div>
        <div id='mv'>Mourning Dove</div>
        <div id='ct'>Canyon Towhee</div>
    <p><input type='button' value='Click it' onclick='findElementID()' /></p>
    <p id="msg"></p>
    function findElementID() {
        var birds = document.getElementById('birds').children;
        var msg = document.getElementById('msg');

        // Loop through all the child elements inside the parent DIV.
        for (i = 0; i <= birds.length - 1; i++) {
            msg.innerHTML = msg.innerHTML + '<br />' + birds[i].id;
Try it

The property children, returns an HTMLCollection object. The elements are the immediate child elements (or children) of the parent element (a DIV element in our example). If you see the length of the variable birds (in the above example), it would return 3, which indicates, there are 3 elements present inside the parent element.

console.log(birds.length); // Use console.log to check the length.

👉 How to get the child DIV IDs inside a DIV element using jQuery
Get Child DIVs using jQuery

Get IDs of all DIV elements

You can also get all DIV element IDs on web page, parent or child, in JavaScript. In this case, use the getElementByTagName() method.

The getElementByTagName() takes a parameter in the form of the tagname. Here, the tagname would be DIV.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Get all DIV IDs using JavaScript</title>
    <p>Using getElementsByTagName() in JavaScript to IDs of every DIV element!</p>

    <!--The parent DIV-->
    <div id="birds">
        <!--The child DIVs-->
        <div id='be'>Bald Eagle</div>
        <div id='mv'>Mourning Dove</div>
        <div id='ct'>Canyon Towhee</div>
    <p><input type='button' value='Click it' onclick='findElements()' /></p>
    <p id="msg"></p>
    function findElements() {
        var ele = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
        var msg = document.getElementById('msg');

        // Iterate the "ele" object and get the ids of all elements of type DIV.
        for (i = 0; i <= ele.length - 1; i++) {
            msg.innerHTML = msg.innerHTML + '<br />' + ele[i].id;
Try it

You can use the above methods to get the ID any element on a web page. Just make sure, all the IDs are unique and that’s how it should be.

Thanks for reading. 🙂

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