JavaScript array.flatMap() Method with example

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The JavaScript array.flatMap() method is a combination of flat() and map() methods. The method first maps each element in an array using the map() method and then flattens it into a new array using the flat() method.

So, instead of calling the 2 methods map() and flat() seperately, we can just use 1 method, the flatMap() method.

JavaScript flatMap() example

First, let us see the map() method.

  const arr = ['arun', 'shouvik'];
  let newArr =
    (n, i) => [n, i]		// where, n is name and i is index.
  console.log(newArr);      // Output: arun,0,shouvik,1
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JavaScript map() method

Now lets flatten the above result using flat() method.

  const arr = ['arun', 'shouvik'];
  let newArr =
    (n, i) => [n, i]    // where, n is name and i is index.
  console.log(newArr.flat());	    // flatten the map() result.

  // Output: 
    // (2) [Array(2), Array(2)]
    // (4) ['arun', 0, 'shouvik', 1]
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JavaScript map() and flat() methods

The flatMap() is a combination of the above two methods. It shortens the above methods.
See the example. 👇

const flat_it = () => {
  const arr = ['arun', 'shouvik'];
  let newArr = arr.flatMap(
    (n, i) => [n, i]

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Filter only even numbers using flatMap() method

Here's another example, where I am filtering only even numbers using the flatMap() method.

const even_numbers = () => {
  let arr_numbers = [11, 51, 44, 7, 6];
  let arr_flattened = arr_numbers.flatMap(
    x => x % 2 === 0 ? [x] : []		// return only "even" numbers.

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flatMap() flattens 1 level

The flatMap() method flattens only 1 level deep. Now, what does this mean. Let us see the above example (even numbers) again. But instead, I have a nested array.

  let arr_numbers = [11, 51, [44, 7], 6];
  let arr_flattened = arr_numbers.flatMap(
    x => x % 2 === 0 ? [x] : []		// return only even numbers.
  console.log(arr_flattened);       // Output: [6]

See values 44 and 7 inside the brackets in the above array. Even though there are two even numbers in the array, the flatMap() however flattens and returns only 1 number, the value 6. It couldn't check number 44.

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