

Google Analytics: Check landing page of Users from a particular Country

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A landing page in Google Analytics is the first page that a user views when she/he visits a website or blog. The visitor may have landed on a particular page through a search engine or from a social media post. If you are using Google Analytics to track you visitors, you may also want to check the landing pages of users from a particular country, that is, from which part of the world are these users landing on a particular page.

There are two ways you can check this using Google Analytics.

1) Using Geo Location report

You can find Geo reports under the Audience reports in Google Analytics. The Audience reports provide information about your users.

a) Inside Geo option, select Location. See the image.

Geo location report in Google Analytics

b) After you have selected (clicked) Location, find Secondary Dimension dropdown list. Click to slide down the list and you will find Landing Page under Commonly Used option. Click to select Landing Page. You will see number of users from a particular country that have visited your website through a particular landing page.

Landing page report in Google Analytics

You will also find many useful filters on the Location report page. Suppose, you want to know how many users landed on a page that represented the country United States. To do this there is an option/link called advanced. Click it. It opens a box, which says,

Include -> Country -> Containing and there is an empty textbox. Type united states (or any country that you wish to filter) and click the Apply button. See the image.

Advanced option in Analytics geo reports

In-addition, you can choose a Date range to filter the landing page report for a particular range of date.

2) Using the Landing Pages report under Behavior report

There’s a Landing Pages report section under the Behavior reports in Google Analytics. This is another report where you can check from where, which country, yours users have landed on a particular page.

Open Google Analytics and find the Behavior option. Under Behavior, click Site Content and it will slide down and you will see Landing Pages option. Click it. When it opens the report, you will see a list of popular landing pages, with Sessions, New Users, and Bounce Rate etc.

See the below image.

Landing pages report under site content in Google Analytics

Now, you want to check the landing pages of users from a particular country. To do this find Secondary Dimension dropdown list in the report. It will show you a list of options. Find the Users option and click it. Scroll down and find the option Country.

Google Analytics landing pages reports

It will show you all the popular landing pages by Country. At this stage, you might want to filter out landing pages of users from a particular country. To do this there is an option/link called advanced in the report. Click it. It opens a box, which says,

Include -> Country -> Containing and there is an empty textbox. Type united states (or any other country that you wish to filter) and click the Apply button.

Using advanced filter in Google Analytics

You can further filter the report to check the number of users over a period. In the upper right corner, you will find a date selection option.

Thanks for reading. 🙂

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