

Quick Tip - How to Center Image using CSS

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There are many ways to do this. I’ll show you two simple methods (and very common methods) to center image using CSS.

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center image using css

Method 1

<!DOCTYPE html>
    .center {
        display: block;
        border: none; 
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
         /*  or simply use
        margin: 0 auto; */

  <img class="center" src='https://www.encodedna.com/images/theme/css.png'>
Try it

The margin property creates space around an element. To center the image, from left and right or horizontally, I have set the margin-left and margin-right as auto. Or, you can simply use margin: 0 auto;. Both are same.

👉 You may also like this... How to rotate an Image using pure CSS
How to rotate image using pure css

What does “auto” do in margin: 0 auto (or margin-left and margin-right)

The value auto automatically sets the left and right margin of an element at the center of a container. However, I am not using an element as a container. The image is display at the center of the page (the <body>).

Method 2

Unlike the previous (or the above) example, here I am going place the image exactly at the center of the screen. That is, centering horizontally and vertically.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  .center {
    display: block;
    border: none; 

    position: fixed;		/* or absolute */
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

  <img class="center" src='https://www.encodedna.com/images/theme/css.png'>

Not just image element, in-fact the above style (or method) can be used to center any element. See this example.

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