

How to Add Element to body using JavaScript

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You can use the .appendChild() method in JavaScript to add or append an element to the body section of a document or a web page. However, there is another method that you can use.

The element can be anything like a <div> or a <p> etc., which you are creating dynamically. To add the dynamically created element to the <body> selection of your web page, you can use the body property of the "document" object. For example,


let add_element = () => {
    const template = document.createElement('div');    create DIV element.
    template.innerHTML = "Content inside DIV";
    document.body.appendChild(template);  Now, add element to the BODY.

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The "body" property (in the above example) sets or returns the document's (the web page) body element. The appendChild() method adds (or appends) the element (a <div> element in this case) to the body of the document.

The <body> section (in the above example) had no other element, before I created a DIV element. The BODY can have other elements, and you can still use "appendChild()" to add a new element to the BODY.

Now, try this example,

        Hello, I am Arun Banik!

let add_element = () => {
    const template = document.createElement('div');
    template.innerHTML = "I am a blogger";
    document.body.appendChild(template);  Append element to the BODY.

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This you should know

Many programmers, I have seen in the past, use the innerHTML property to add an element to the <body> section. For example,

const template = document.createElement('div');
template.innerHTML = "Hello there…";
document.body.innerHTML = template.innerHTML;


document.body.innerHTML = '<div>Hello there...</div>';

Remember, this will overwrite the existing contents inside the <body> section. The innerHTML property will change the HTML contents (with new contents) of the body. So, if you want to add a new element to the exiting elements in the BODY, then use appendChild() method.

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Using insertBefore Method

Here's another method that you can use to add a newly created element to the <body>.

The insertBefore() method, adds an element before an existing element. So, you can add a newly created element before an already existing element inside the <body> element.

    <div id='d1'> I am Arun Banik! </div>

let add_element = () => {
    const template = document.createElement('div');
    template.innerHTML = "Hello there,";
    document.body.insertBefore(template, document.getElementById('d1'));

Try it

That's it. Happy coding. 🙂

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